Dankwoord van Z.M. de Koning tijdens het 125e congres van het Internationaal Olympisch Comité (IOC) in Buenos Aires

Het dankwoord is uitgesproken in het Engels.

President Rogge, Colleagues and Friends,

First of all I would like to thank you, Mr President, for the very special Olympic Order I have just received. This is a very emotional moment for me - to receive this award, on this very day, the birthday of my wife's mother, in the very city where my wife was born. It marks a transition from active IOC membership to becoming an honorary member. Please rest assured that this in no way means distancing myself from the values the IOC stands for. The Olympic values are of such depth that they are extremely useful in all walks of life, including for heads of state.

You, dear colleagues and friends, I would like to thank for all the inspiring discussions we have had, and for your valuable knowledge and great friendship. I look forward to continuing our discussions in the future, now from the back of the room, in order to advance global sportacross the board, from top athletes to the youth who aspire to emulate them.

Fifteen years of active membership have given me the opportunity to get involved and learn. It was a great honour to serve the Olympic movement in many different commissions in very interesting and turbulent times. Having had the chance to actively participate in the IOC 2000 reform process, I am convinced that the movement has made the right transition to the 21st century.

Let me also thank the IOC's great staff, with whom I had the pleasure to work closely. Without their knowledge, hard work and total dedication, we IOC members would be unable to perform our duties. And they do their hard work in silence, not always receiving the recognition they deserve!

Since becoming a member in Nagano 1998, I have attended all Olympic Games, except one, when I was on honeymoon. I hope you can forgive me for that omission! Obviously it is hard to predict the future, but I will do my very best to attend Games and Sessions as often as possible. That is the duty of every member, even an honorary one, and certainly after receiving this Olympic Order.

Once again, thank you all very, very much!