Toespraak van Zijne Majesteit de Koning tijdens het diner voor het Corps Diplomatique in het Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam

De toespraak is uitgesproken in het Engels

Distinguished guests,

Welcome to the Royal Palace Amsterdam,

Many of you were here just over a year ago, on the day my mother abdicated as Queen, and I was invested as King. A wonderful day, which my mother, my wife and I were privileged to share with you.

Your involvement and warm wishes enhanced this festive occasion, and helped to make 30 April 2013 a day we will never forget.

Since then a year has passed. An inspiring and very full year in which we were able to meet many of you in person. At the New Year's reception in January, for instance. And on those Wednesday mornings when new ambassadors presented me with their credentials.

Since I became King, 47 ambassadors have made that coach trip to the Palace, resulting in 47 valuable encounters.

But however we prize these official contacts, it's good to have more regular opportunities to meet and talk to one another. That's why we're delighted to continue the tradition of the annual dinner for the diplomatic corps. But now with a slightly different twist.

The more senior among you will have noticed that our company tonight is made up of both international and Dutch guests. We are joined by various representatives of the Dutch parliament, government and the public sector. Members of the House of Representatives and of the Senate, the presidents of the High Councils of State, senior civil servants, King's commissioners, mayors and commanders of the armed forces.

This creates even more opportunities to forge and strengthen ties between you and the various echelons of the Dutch government and public sector.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is strongly committed to the international legal order and works actively to promote peace and development worldwide. Partnership is essential in the modern world, where interests are increasingly intertwined.

Economic ties. Energy networks. Migration flows. Cultural and religious affinities. Water-related or environmental issues. Security risks. Knowledge and data traffic. None of these things stop at national borders. Today's world is a global network of interlocking needs. So constructive international partnership is in all our interests.

This applies all the more where there are international tensions or differences of opinion.

Your role as diplomats is immensely important, because you focus on the ties between countries and on strengthening the international community. And that's no easy task. In a globalising world with diverging interests, your work is becoming ever more complex.

Throughout history, it has often been diplomats who defused tensions and found new ways forward. Again and again, even after the horrors of war, diplomats have managed to lay the foundations for new trust and cooperation. Those efforts deserve to be supported and cherished.

For your work to be possible, we need forums where people can meet and engage in dialogue. Venues and occasions that lend themselves to productive talks and the international exchange of ideas. This evening we hope to create such a forum, here in the Royal Palace.

Dialogue and mutual respect are the foundations on which peace and justice are built. The Kingdom of the Netherlands seeks to contribute actively to these foundations. Not only as a candidate for a seat on the UN Security Council for the 2017-2018 period, but in all our bilateral and multilateral partnerships.

That's why your presence here today is so valuable.

I wish you all a very pleasant evening, with many interesting and inspiring encounters.

Thank you.